Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tales from the Kenzinator

I have to get this one down quickly before I forget. Here is another great bedtime conversation brought to you by Kenzie (I can't make this stuff up):

K: " Mom, how old will you be on your next birthday?"
M: "29"
K: "Oh. Well then how old are you now?"
M: "28"
K: "Wow, you're old!! Are you gonna die?"
M: " Well not any time soon, but when I get old I will."
K: "Old like the people who get in your way at Meijer?"
M: "Yea, like them."
K: " Ok, good... I guess you're gonna be short then."
M: "Maybe, why?"
K: "Cause old people are short."
Long pause.............
K: "Mom, I don't want you to get old."
M: "Why?"
K: "Cause then you'll die and I'll be stuck taking care of Tim."
M: After a small self chuckle "Don't worry you'll be older then too."
K: "Like you now?"
M: "Yes"
K: "Ok, I guess I'll be able to handle that."

You're welcome!!

1 comment:

Tedo said...

Wow, apparently Tim must be pretty high maintenance.

Hahaha, that whole thing is so hilarious. I love that Meijers comment....